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Is there a verse or passage that’s transformed you? Got you through a rough patch? A song that gives you a bit of hope every day? Share that with someone. Even at our low points, we always have something to give away. Jesus takes that as a given: in fact, he said he’s already ‘blessed us… with every spiritual blessing in Christ.’

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35 ESV)

Tears streamed down my face as I walked home, clutching the envelope tightly in my hands. My family and I were safe after a dramatic encounter with a superhero. Yes, a real superhero.

Let me rewind a bit.

Our rent was weeks overdue and the landlord was threatening eviction. As a missionary in a small African village, I had no one to turn to. In fact, many a time, it was me that members of our small church (and community) would run to for help. This time, the helper was helpless.

I was sweeping when he came in. We were having a service that evening and our sanctuary needed cleaning.

He was no stranger to me; in fact, he was a regular in our meetings. With a big smile on his face, he walked over to me, stretched out his hand and said, ‘This is for you, pastor.’

I curiously peeped into the envelope. And, as I realised what it contained, excitedly ripped it open.

The exact amount of money I needed to make rent!

Walking home to prepare for the service, this verse filled my mind:

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35 ESV) That day I understood the true meaning of that verse.

I will never know how he knew about my plight, but remembering the smile of joy on his face, I realised another hidden, yet powerful, blessing in giving: what greater blessing is there than to be someone’s superhero?

By telling this story, I hope I can inspire you to be somebody’s superhero too. Not just by giving physical things. At that point I did not have money to spare, but I could still give by sharing that verse and what I learnt that day.

What story or verse can you make a gift of today?


Green: Share a bit of scripture that’s changed you. Or, if you’re reading through a Bible-in-a-year app, tell someone else it’s not too late to get started, and offer to read together.

Yellow: Share a Christian book that’s made a difference in your life. If you have a copy, why not just give it aw ay, without expecting a return?


Contributed by Kato Nkhoma - Kato is a missionary in the sub-Saharan country of Botswana. He is also an author and freelance writer whose cyber mission is to eliminate mediocrity in web copy. A Christian market freelance writer extraordinaire, he loves turning lacklustre websites and blogs into enthralling spectacles through hypnotic content that turns visitors into subscribers.